


string argsString()

Comma separated argument list for calls to variadic functions associated with regexen. Meant to be used with mixin to generate code.

auto conversionsFromString()

Returns an array of string mixins to convert each type from a string

int countParenPairs()

Counts the number of parentheses pairs in a string known at compile-time

MatchResult findMatch(string step_str)

Finds the match to a step string. Checks all steps and loops over to see which one has a matching regex. Steps are found at compile-time.

auto findSteps()

Finds all steps in all modules. Modules are passed in as strings. Steps are found by using compile-time reflection to register all functions with the Match UDA attached to it and extracting the relevant regex from the Match UDA itself.

string rawStringMixin(in string str)

This function is necessary due to the extreme "metaness" of this project. It returns a string that is meant to be consumed by mixin to generate code. Since the strings being fed to the system at compile-time are generally going to be "raw" strings, they'll either be r"" or ` style D strings. If the regex requires the '"' character they'll use `, and vice-versa. When generating code, I opted for r"" strings. This would cause a compilation error if the regex has the quote character in it. So this function returns an escaped version that can be safely used.


struct MatchResult

Normally this struct wouldn't exist and I'd use a delegate. But for the wire protocol I need access to the captures array so it's a struct.
